Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ways Privatization Connects with my Analytic Essay

The research process associated with our analytic essay has offered interesting insight in regards to the affects of privatization.  Privatization creates a business like ambiance in today's universities.  Many students are beginning to acknowledge these restraints as college tuition begins to sky rocket.  The quality of institutions suffer as the search for money and funding becomes controlled by the power of privatization.  The decisions made by such officials supportive of privatization forget the voice of the student body.  The student's money becomes circuited towards a single lens, focused by those strictly associated with privatization.  With the lack of student voice, one has to wonder what the money goes towards?  Students paying thousands of dollars of their money deserve the proper tools to succeed.  Say a university becomes influenced by privatization, a noticeable change in the professor's teaching direction will be seen as the vision of university officials becomes the overall image.  Student's then become a single minded product of privatization.  Professor's no longer provided the necessary tools to succeed, to evolve into an individual, they provide the foundation for an individual influenced by privatization.  In many ways, privatization of higher education begins to eliminate the voice of the student body, redirect the use of institution money, and produces insufficient, unmotivated scholars.

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